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How It All Started

Posted by admin on Sep 6, 2010 in What about the name.

Yes world, I have always been interested in the modeling branch. As a matter of fact Designing. I started my journey as most little girls, with a dream to be on the catwalk. I got to the catwalk, small as it was. I did the regular sunday fashion show at the Windjammer Hotel. It was great fun!!
One model in paricular Mimi took me under her wing. To this day I am erternally grateful. She had cause to somtimes be very impatient with me, but I think I have learnt my needed lessons.
This was at an age where I was not longer under the strict rule of my very protective and loving parents

Before that I had the wonderful pleasure of working with a very fasinating and talented designer on the island. Vincent! We met because I absolutely wanted to be his protege’. My parents were thankfully consenting. and so I approached him to work at his side. Yes  ok ..he said. And so mz short but very fullfilling time with my Idol started.

No I didn’t follow exactly in his footsteps after he moved to France. I listen 

Ilistend to my parents and  got myself a proper job.

As much as I love and am still teach Phone Number Trace , mzy passion for fashion and the catwalk has never left me. Something that few people understand.


Posted by admin on Aug 30, 2010 in Allgemein, What about the name.

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